
Pre-cooperative education preparatory training for third-year students in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Walailak University’s School of Engineering and Technology

This training aims to prepare students for co-operative education and future work effectively by providing them with a positive attitude towards their profession and increasing their skills and knowledge in the labor market.

The bachelor’s degree of Engineering Program in Chemical Engineering at Walailak University’s School of Engineering and Technology is an integrated program that aims to produce well-versed undergraduate students who can apply their academic and professional skills to their work and livelihoods. The program’s objective is to provide a high-quality education that prepares students for the challenges they will face in their future careers. To achieve this objective, the program organizes training activities, such as the “Get Ready for Professional Co-op Training” event, where speakers are invited to educate students on how to prepare for co-op and future work effectively.

On February 15, 2023, third-year students in chemical engineering and pharmaceutical chemistry from the School of Engineering and Technology at Walailak University attended the pre-cooperative education preparatory training. The training was organized to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their co-op placements and future careers. Mr. Khundi Lamsub, the organizer of the personality enhancement activities, was the speaker for the event, and he attracted a lot of attention from the third-year students.

The event was a great success, and the students were able to gain a positive attitude towards their profession and increase their skills and knowledge in the labor market. The School of Engineering and Technology at Walailak University would like to thank Mr. Khundi Lamsub for sharing his knowledge and experience with the students of chemical engineering and pharmaceutical chemistry. The training provided the students with increased readiness and confidence for their upcoming co-operative education, and the School of Engineering and Technology looks forward to the opportunity to learn from Mr. Lamsub again in the future.

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