ISO 14001:2015

Practical Training on ISO 14001:2015 for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering Students

The comprehensive training program on ISO 14001:2015 standards has successfully conducted, aimed at equipping third-year students from the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering program, School of Engineering and Technology with practical understanding and application skills. Organized by the School of Engineering and Technology, the training featured expert insights from Assistant Professor Dr. Kovit Suwannahong of the Faculty of Public Health at Burapha University.

This initiative, held on August 26-27, 2023, at Building 8, Sritammaraj Auditorium, aimed to provide participants with hands-on knowledge concerning the key requirements and facets of ISO 14001:2015. This standard is integral to effective environmental management and responsibility. Driven by an expert understanding of the standard’s provisions, the training underscored the importance of effective environmental governance and the adoption of best practices outlined by ISO 14001:2015.

The dynamic curriculum engaged students in a comprehensive exploration of the ISO standard, fostering in-depth comprehension and practical know-how. The training was strategically positioned to prepare students for their future roles as professionals in the field of engineering. It aimed to inspire a proactive approach towards environmental sustainability while offering tangible skills for applying ISO 14001:2015 principles.

The training initiative not only enriched participants’ understanding of environmental management systems but also aimed to empower them to take on environmental challenges with confidence. By providing accurate insights into the principles and practices underpinning ISO 14001:2015, the program aimed to shape the students into adept practitioners capable of making meaningful contributions to the industry.

As part of the larger commitment to holistic education, this training served as a stepping stone towards nurturing skilled professionals who are environmentally conscious and capable of implementing effective management strategies. The insights gained from this training endeavor are expected to ignite inspiration and serve as a catalyst for the continuous growth of the students as they progress in their studies and professional journeys within the realm of chemical and pharmaceutical engineering.

ISO 14001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
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